Dominic Kuneman

Dominic Kuneman
Last year Pepo had the pleasure of meeting Dominic Kuneman a budding Interior Designer who engaged us to create a garden inspired by the retro feel and bold garden aesthetics of the Parker Hotel, Chateaux Marmont, The Beverley Hills Hotel and the Royal Hawaiian. We recently installed a balcony garden to compliment his design of an apartment in Bellevue Hill with the brief of ‘American Psycho’! A sleek monotone colour scheme paired with the minimalist, spiky and unusual foliage of the cactus and succulents was chosen. As a nod to ‘American Psycho’, we included a bright orange boar designed by the German artist Ottmar Hörl from our friends at Garden Life.

Is there common thread to your interior design projects?
So far they have all been redesigns of classic Eastern Suburbs flats. I think the common thread in terms of aesthetic, would have to be the sense of ease you feel when you’re in the space. Whether it’s a beachside, white-washed, art deco apartment – or a minimalist moody 1960s pad, they should feel easy to exist in, always have a nod toward modernism, yet have clear character.

What inspires you in your work as an interior designer?
My biggest inspiration is probably film. I’m very interested in the story of the human within the space, I think you have to be. So in that way films provide me with the whole package. The other way I start the design process is by focusing on a key piece or art or furniture and building a story outwards from there.